Thursday, October 22, 2009

inspiration series.

Since I have been busy making for an upcoming craft fair and haven't had time for lemmemakeit how-tos, I thought now was a perfect time to give some credit where it is certainly due—to those who have inspired me.
When I graduated from college, my senior portfolio book was a sort of compilation of what made up me. And when I think of myself, I think of a bunch of things; of course my family and how I was raised, my friends, my lover, my pets and animals, certain experiences I've encountered, but specifically, the artists who have particularly stood out and inspired me to be who I am. Because who you are is never original. We are all made up of unique components gathered from everywhere around us, that mold us into what and who we are. Without each other, a single person would be lost, so in this book of mine I gathered all the minute components that have been influential in my life.
Anyway, I tripped on my external hard drive right after printing my book (thank God) and lost 4 years of graphic design work. I scanned the pages today and am starting a short series of posts that help you understand me and where I came from.

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